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Citril Starz


Mission Statement to promote, empower, and encourage the advancement of gifted artistic youth from the ages of eight to eighteen. Our students will be inspired to gain confidence and develop their various styles of learning by allowing their imagination and inventive mind to express their talent of the arts by receiving pre-professional training and education in a creative environment. Citril Starz will help to develop the creativity of their students and enhance their creativity by allowing inventiveness, imagination, innovation, originality, individuality, artistry, inspiration, and a vision to succeed through communication. Our students will be provided a platform to perform before audiences to exhibit their talents through instruments, music, dance, theater, literary work, and visual arts.


Citril Starz was founded by Gwendolyn Priscilla Saunders. My non-profit organization was named Citril Starz after the Citril Finch bird because it represented “Harmony”. The Citril Finch bird is a small songbird also known as the alpine citril finch (Carduelis citrinella) which can be found in Africa and Switzerland, two countries across the Globe. I created this organization because I wanted to assist young people with enhancing their talent in the arts by creating a mentorship program between students and professionals. Our goal is helping as many young people as possible to accomplish their goals and become successful by enhancing their skills. I would like to challenged the students to study and work hard in order to receive the results of a professional artist and sport candidate. Our organization will strive to provide a platform to display undeveloped talent through communication and expression by exploring the impossible to become a reality.


The students will perform and display their creativity in dance, music, theater, creative writing, photography, fashion design, graphic arts, visual arts, painting and sports.

2nd Annual Dinner & Award Ceremony

October 15, 2022 - Saturday
Tickets: $150 | At the Door: $165.
Dinner Awards & Ceremony: 6:00pm - 10:00pm

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